of scientific youth school
“INTELLECTUAL robots - 2002”
September 16 - 20, 2002
Katsively settlement, Crimea, Ukraine
1. The scientific youth school “Intellectual robots - 2002” took place from September 16 till September 20, 2002 in Katsively settlement (Crimea, Ukraine) under the initiative of the following authorities: State center of science of Russian Federation “Central scientific research Institute of robotics and technical cybernetics” (director - the main engineer, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Lopota), Institute of applied mathematics on the name of M.V. Keldysh of Russian Academy of Sciences (director - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences Ju.P. Popov) and Scientific research Institute of multiprocessing computer systems of Taganrog state radio engineering University (director - professor I.A. Kalyaev) with support of the Federal target program “ Integration of science and higher education of Russia for 2002 - 2006”.
More than 150 scientists, post-graduates and students representing 67 universities, scientific and industrial organizations of Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Poland, China and Spain participated in scientific school. Among them were such well-known scientists as academician of Russian Academy of Sciences A.V. Kalyaev (Scientific research Institute of multiprocessing computer systems of Taganrog state radio engineering University, Russia), academician of Russian Academy of Sciences D.E. Ohotsimskiy (Institute of applied mathematics on the name of M.V. Keldysh of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), professor E.I. Jurevich (CSRI RTC, Russia), professor I.A. Kalyaev (Scientific-research Institute of multiprocessing computer systems of Taganrog state radio engineering University, Russia), professor À.I. Shevchenko (Institute of Artificial Intelligence of MES and NAS of Ukraine), professor V.J. Shelepov (Institute of Artificial Intelligence of ÌES and NAS of Ukraine), professor À.I. Galushkin (Scientific neurocomputer center, Russia), professor Li Dgilin (Zeynangsk University, China), professor V.E. Pavlovskiy (Moscow State University on the name of Ì.V. Lomonosov, Russia), professor V.I. Vasilyev (International scientific-educational center of information technologies and systems, Ukraine), professor A.S. Jushchenko (MSTU on the name of Bauman, Russia), Doctor of Tech.Sc. B.G. Gursky (CSRI AH, Russia) and a number of other great scientists.
Within the framework of the school worked the following sections:
The participants of the scientific school showed great interest and high activity. Many of them performed their reports which were published in the collection “ Intellectual robots - 2002” (Materials of scientific youth school. - Saint Petersburg; Moscow; Taganrog, 2002.)
It is necessary to note a high scientific level of the presented reports and their practical expediency. The authors widely used such developing today methods, as genetic algorithms, neural networks, indistinct logic, theory of multiagent systems. The developments submitted at school, have found appendix in aircraft, robotics, investigation of minerals, in the organization of local networks and ways of their protection. As a whole the submitted works correspond to a modern world level of works in the field of artificial intelligence, robotics and mechatronics.
Within the framework of scientific school the International tournament on virtual football was carried out in which 15 teams from Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Donetsk, Taganrog and Dnepropetrovsk took part.
Prize-winning places on tournament took:
² Place - team "Quasar" (MERTU, Moscow);
²² Place - team "Dnepr" (DNU, Dnepropetrovsk);
²²² Place - ²²² Place - team "Prima" (SUrSU, Chelyabinsk).
Meetings were accompanied by scientific discussions of young researchers and experts working in the field of intellectual robotics systems creation.
2. Carrying out of scientific youth school has allowed:
3. As a result of discussion of subjects of school its participants have ascertained the following.
3.1. Researches and developments in the field of intellectual robot creation and corresponding computer technologies concern one of the basic directions of modern world scientific and technical progress.
3.2. Creation of intellectual robots and robotic systems, capable to function independently in difficult natural conditions is an actual problem for many areas of science, technique and industry (in carrying out of space and underwater researches, works in zones of radioactive and chemical pollution, in military science, in industry, in sphere of service, etc.).
3.3. The problem of robots ganged control is really actual. Methods, means and technologies of its decision can find its application in all applied areas where collective of robots should coordinate the achievement of an overall aim.
3.4. It is necessary to use the new information technologies developed in the field of intellectual robotics for the decision of the broad sphere of tasks of mechanotronic systems control, and also in other spheres of science and technique.
3.5. It is expedient to participate in school of experts from other fields of knowledges where the theory of artificial intelligence and intellectual robotics can be applied, including linguistics, medicine, geophysics, ergonomics, etc.
3.6. To continue curriculums and requirements co-ordination work showed at technical universities of Russia, Ukraine, CIS countries, in the field of intellectual robotics and mechatronics experts preparation.
4. The participants of scientific youth school have made the following decision.
Chairman of program committee of school “IR - 2002” |
Corresponding Member of RAS V.A. Lopota |
The vice-president of program committee of school “IR - 2002” |
Doctor of Phis. and Math. Sc., prof. V.E.Pavlovsky |
The vice-president of program committee of school “IR - 2002” |
Doctor of Tech. Sc., prof. I.A. Kalyaev |
The scientific secretary of program committee of school “IR - 2002” |
Candidate of tech. Sc, assistant professor, A.P.Kuharenko |