International Scientific Practical Conference
Artificial Intelligence.
Intellectual and Multiprocessor Systems
SRI MCS of the TSRTU |
24 September – 29 September 2006. Katsively, Crimea, Ukraine
On behalf of Belarus
- Belarus State University (BSU)
- National Academy of Science of Belarus
On behalf of Russia
- SRI of Multiprocessor Calculating Systems after Academician A.V.Kalyaev of the Taganrog State Radio-Technical University (SRI MCS TSRTU)
- South Center of the Russian Academy of Science
- Institute of Optical-Neuron Technologies of RAS (IONT of RAS)
- Russian Fund of Fundamental Research
- Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
On behalf of Ukraine
- Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems (IAIP)
- Informatics department of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
- Ministry of Education of Ukraine
Goal of the Conference
The goal of the conference is to unite efforts of scientists of different countries in development of fundamental
and applied research and development in the area of perspective directions of modern information technologies and
their practical realization in different spheres of human activities.
Directions of work
- Conceptual problems of artificial intelligence
- Intellectual and multiprocessor systems: problems of theory and practice
- Algorithms and software of IMS
- Hardware of the IMS
- Neuronet technologies
- Net and multi-agent technologies
- Intellectual systems of decision making and control
- Training and expert systems
- Information technologies for the work with natural languages and speech
- Intellectual systems of digital processing of signals and images, analysis of data and image recognition
- Intellectual robot-technical systems
- Intellectual systems of information security
The following measures will be taken alongside with the work of the conference:
- - International scientific youth schools: «Highly Productive Calculation Systems» and
«Nero Informatics and Associative Memory Systems».
- - International tournament on virtual football.
- - Conference «Mechatronics, Automation, Control».
International Programming Committee
- A.I. Shevchenko full prof. (IAIP of NASU and MESU, c.Donetsk, Ukraine) - co-chairman
- I.A. Kalyaev corr. member of RAS (SRI MCS TSRTU, Taganrog, Russia) - co-chairman
- S.V. Ablameiko corr. member of NASB (NASB, Minsk, Belarus) - co-chairman
- V.F. Bardachenko ph.d-r of Techn.Schence (Center of Timer Calculation Systems IC after V.M. Glushkov of the UNAS, Kiev, Ukraine)
- A.S. Bugayov academician of RAS (MPTI, Moscow, Russia)
- M.K. Buza full prof. (BSU, Minsk, Belarus)
- V.V. Voevodin corresp. member of RAS (SRCC of the MSU, Moscow, Russia)
- A.I. Galushkin full prof. (Scientific Center of Neuro-computers, Moscow, Russia)
- V.P. Gladun full prof. (IC after V.M.Glushkov of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- Yu.V. Gulyaev academician of RAS (IREA of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- Yu.G. Krivonos corr.member of NASU (IC after V.M.Glushkov of NASU, Kiev,Ukraine)
- B.V. Kryzhanovski full prof. (IONT of RAS, Moscow,Russia)
- V.M. Kuntsevich academician of NASU (Institute of Space research of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- A.N. Kurbatski full prof. (BSU, Minsk, Belarus)
- V.A. Labunov academician of NASB (BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus)
- B.M. Lobanov full prof. (NASB, Minsk,Belarus)
- V.A. Lopota corr.member of RAS (CSRI of RTC, Sanct-Petersberg, Russia)
- Li Dzhilin full prof. (Chzhestzyanski University, Khanchzhou, China)
- V.M. Matrosov academician of RAS (Moscow, Russia)
- V.F. Machulin corr.member of NASU (HAC of Ukraine,Kiev,Ukraine)
- A.L. Mikaelyan academician of RAS (IONT of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- V.E. Pavlovski full prof. (MSU, Moscow, Russia)
- A.V. Papaguin corr.member of NASU (IC after V.M.Glushkov of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- A.A. Petrovski full prof. (BSUIR, Minsk, Belarus)
- I.V. Sergienko academician of NASU (IC after V.M.Glushkov of NASU, dep. Of Informatics of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- A.S. Sigov full prof. (Moscow, Russia)
- V.I. Sidorenko d-r of Phys. and Math. Sciences (Presidium of NASU, Dep. Of Informatics of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- V.V. Skopetski corr. member of NASU (IC after V.M.Glushkov of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- V.I. Skurikhin academician of NASU (MSUC of Information technologies and Systems of NASU and MESU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- I.V. Sovpel full prof. (BSU, Minsk,Belarus)
- E.D. Teryaev corr.member of RAS (Presidium of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
- Yu.S. Harin corr.member of RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia)
- V.G. Horoshevsky corr.member of RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia)
- A.A. Chkri corr.member of NASU (IC after V.M.Glushkov of NASU, Kiev, Ukraine)
- V.Yu.Shelepov full prof. (IAIP of NASU and MESU, c. Donetsk, Ukraine)
General Information
Time and place of the conference
The conference AI - IMS'2006 is to be held from September 24 till September 29 in the settlement of Katsiveli,
which is situated on the Crimean peninsular in Ukraine. The settlement of Katsiveli is located between the cape of
Foros and Alupka, at the foot of the mountain Koshka. This is one of the few places of the Crimean coast where modern
beaches are combined with the nature of the sea shore untouched by the civilization.
24.09.2006 - the day of arrival, registration
25.09.2006 - 28.09.2006 - the work of the conference
29.09.2006 - the day of departure
Publications of the conference
The materials of the conference will be published in the following editions (requirement for the publication are enclosed).
- Collection of Materials of the Conference (SRI MCS TSRTU, Taganrog, Russia).
- In the international scientific-theoretical journal «Artificial Intelligence» (a special publication, IAIP, Donetsk, Ukraine), where reports selected by the programming committee and done in the form of articles, will be published. The journal is enlisted into the leading scientific journals and editions, approved by the HAC of Ukraine.
- In the journal «Izvestiya of TRTU» (News of TSRTU)(a special publication, TSRTU, Taganrog, Russia), where the best reports, according to the results of the conference, will be published (the journal is enlisted into the leading scientific journals and publications, approved by the HAC of Russia). Payment for the publication in the «Izvestiya of TRTU» is done separately.
- In the journals «Bulletin of Computer and Information Technologies» and «Mechatronics, Automation, Control».
Payment for the publication in the journals «Bulletin of Computer and Information Technologies» and «Mechatronics, Automation, Control» is done separately.
The working languages are: Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, English.
Financial terms
I. Full-time participation
- Participation fee for those from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and close foreign countries is $ 50 (including VAT).
- Participation fee for post-graduates and students - $25 ( including VAT).
- Participation fee for foreigners - $85 ( including VAT).
The participation fee is paid on terms of an agreement, concluded between the organization a participant belongs to and
the Organizing Committee after receiving an application and it includes the participation fee for expenses for
organization, services, communication, rent of the conference hall and technical aids, also publication in the bulletin
of the conference (one volume) and the journal "Artificial Intelligence" (one issue).
II. Part-time participation
- Publication of materials in the bulletin of the conference - $7 (including VAT). The deadline of application is 1.06.2006.
- Publication of an article - $10 (including VAT). The deadline of application is 15.06.2006
It is necessary to point out the following in the payment order: "Fee for full-time participation of (name, surname) in the conference "AR-IMS 2006", including VAT, which is 20%.
III. Participation in the conference is allowed without submitting reports, but the fee for part-time participation is to be paid.
The organization fee is to be paid either while being registered for the conference or transferred according to the following requisites:
- In roubles
- 119034, c. Moscow, Prechstenskaya Naberezhnaya, 9
- BIC: 044525545, INN: 771003041
- Cor.acc. MMB in RFCB ¹ 30101810300000000545
- Cor.acc. UKREXIMBANK in MMB:
- Type "K" - 401463 RUR 4030 02(30122810500010167603)
- Branch OAO "UKREXIMBANK" in c. Donetsk,
- MFO 334817, acc.260020151509 OKÏÎ 02095826
Receiver: Institute of Artificial Intelligence Problems
- In dollars
- RUSSIA: International Moscow Bank
- BIC 044525545
- cor. acc. 30101810300000000545
- INN 7710030411
- cor. acc. 30231810400010494875
- Donetsk branch: S.W.I.F.T.: EXBSUAUX
- acc. 2600201511509
- VO 21010 (code of type of operation)
- ÎÊÏÎ 02095826, ÌÔÎ 33817
Institute of Artificial Intelligence
Destination of the payment: «Fee for participating in the conference AI-IMS 2006, incl.20% of VAT».
The term of the fee transfer is till 15.08.2006.
It is important to have a copy of a payment order with a seal of a bank on it.
IV. Abode and meals.
Cost of abode with three meals service a day in the House of Creation of Scientists "Katsiveli" for one day and night is:
In a one-bed room – 40 ó.å., In a two-bed room - 30 ó.å., In a first class one-bed room - 70 ó.å.
Payment for abode and meals is done in the place of abode.
Secretariat of Programming and Organizing Committee
On problems of participation in the conference one should apply the following:
- 347928, Russia, c. Taganrog, Chekhov St., 2, SRI MCS TSRTU
- Telephone numbers for information: (8634) 615-459, 315-493
- Fax: (8634) 36-03-76, E-mail:
- Internet:
- Kukharenko Anatoli Pavlovich
- Bronzov Vladimir Olegovich
- 83050, Ukraine, c. Donetsk, B. Khmelnitski pr., 84, IAI
- Telephone numbers for information: + 10 38 (062) 337-33-35, 337-01-70
- Fax: +10 38 (062) 304-60-82, E-mail:
- Ivanova Svetlana Borisovna
- Piguz Valentina Nikolaevna
- 220050, Nelarus, c. Minsk, F. Skoriny pr., 4, BSU
- Telephone numbers for information: +10 (375 17) 209-54-05, 209-51-08
- E-mail:,
- Krakhotko Valeri Vasilievich
- Roubashko Natalia Konstantinovna
Application for participation in the conference
Applications should be submitted to the Organizing Committee not later than 01.06.2006
by e-mail
Materials to be published in the conference bulletin should come to the Organizing Committee not later than
15.06.2006 by å-mail:
The materials for reports which are received will be included into the program of the conference and recommended for publication after being approved by the Organizing Committee.
for participation in the conference AI-IMS 2006
Full name ___________________________________
Place of work ( full name and address) _____________
Post, scientific degree, academic status _____________
Address for invitation __________________________
Telephone ____________ Fax _________ E-mail ____________
Title of the report _________________________
Section __________________________________
Report Stand report without a report part-time participation